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Baptism FAQ's


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some commonly asked questions about Baptism in our Parish, our requirements have changed so please read the following carefully

Q - What is the Baptismal process

A- After you complete the Enrolment form and have returned it to the Parish office with the Child's Birth Certificate, the God Parents Confirmation Certificate and Payment receipt, you will be invited to a Baptismal Preparation Session. The Baptismal prep session runs for just under an hour and only the parents of the child need to attend. During the prep session, if all paperwork is complete you will be able to choose your Baptismal Date.

Q - Who can be a Godparent

A- We follow the policies of the Archdiocese of Brisbane and as such a Godparent can be anyone over 16 years old, that is NOT the child's parent and has completed their Confirmation at a Catholic Church.

You can see the Archdiocese guidelines here -

Q - The Godparent has been Confirmed but has not got a Certificate, is this OK?

A- No, however the Godparent can request a reprint of the Confirmation Certificate by contacting the Parish they were Confirmed in. The Parish will be able to provide a reprint.

Q - Can a Godparent be non Catholic?

A - No, all Godparents must be a fully initiated Catholic. The means they have been Confirmed by the Catholic Church. However if you have been Baptised in a mainstream Christian Religion (and have Baptism Certificate) you can be a Christian Witness. However, each child must have a Godparent before they can have a Christian Witness.

Q - What is the cost?

A - To be baptised we ask that you make a contribution to the Parish of $100.

Q - Can an adult be Baptised?

A - Of course, we welcome all ages to be Baptised, the process of Baptismal Preparation is a little different. We ask that you take part in a course to prepare for Baptism this is called the RCIA program please contact the parish office to join the program.

Q - When can I book the Baptism?

A - We have Baptisms at every weekend Mass and at occasional weekday masses. We have a capped amount of Baptisms per Mass and these do fill up.

Q - Do my guests need to come to Mass?

A - It is dependant on what time/ Church your child is being Baptised in.

As a general rule - If your child is being Baptised at Mary Mother of Mercy at 10am on a Sunday the Baptism will be held after the Mass so no, the guests don't need to attend the whole Mass, we ask they come 45 mins after the Mass starts (eg 10:45 if Mass is at 10am) and wait quietly outside.  The child and parents must need to attend Mass to be welcomed into the Church.

If your child is being Baptised at another Church in our Parish eg - St Benedict's, Calvary, Our Lady of the Way or Infant Saviour the baptism will be held during church, and so all family and friends will attend the Mass. Likewise if your child is being Baptised at MMM any other time other than 10am Sunday.

Once booked you will receive an email with the complete details of time to arrive etc.

Q - Where can I get a Baptismal Candle?

A - You will need a white taper or pillar candle. You can buy one from Kmart or Spotlight and leave it plain. Or decorated it with a ribbon/cricut/paint or anything you like.

You can also use a online store or visit our Piety store during Sunday 10am Mass at Mary Mother of Mercy Church.

Q - My Godparent comes from another Country/Interstate, do they have to be present?

A - No, they we will still need all paperwork from the Godparent to be officially listed as a Godparent and the person who "stands in" for the Godparent needs to be Baptised in a mainstream Christian Faith and produce a Baptismal Certificate.

You can download the enrolment form Baptism Enrolment Form - 2024 please return with supporting documents to pa*********@bn*.au

Q - I don't live in the Burleigh Parish, can I still get my child Baptised there?

A- Yes you can, however you need to ask the Parish you live in (even if you don't attend church there) for a Letter of Permission before the Baptism can go ahead.

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