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FAQ’s of Confirmation

Sacraments > FAQ’s of Confirmation


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some commonly asked questions about making the Sacraments in our Parish

Q – What is the Sacramental Program process?

A- After you complete the Enrolment form and have returned it to the Parish office with the Child’s Birth Certificate and Baptism, the Sponsors Confirmation Certificate and Payment receipt, you will receive a welcome email. This email includes all the important dates and information you will need for the Sacramental Program. The first event will be a Parent Encounter with the Parish Priest. The Sacramental Program begins in February each year and runs until November.

Q - Who can be a Sponsor?

A- We follow the policies of the Archdiocese of Brisbane, and as such a Sponsor can be anyone over 16 years old, that is NOT the child’s parent, and has completed their Confirmation in a Catholic Church. Ideally it should be the child's God Parent, but we understand this isn't always feasible.

Q – The Sponsor has been Confirmed but has not got a Certificate, is this OK?

A- Unfortunately not. However the Godparent can request a reprint of the Confirmation Certificate by contacting the Parish they were Confirmed in. 

Q – What is the cost?

A – Each Sacrament (First Communion, Confirmation and Penance) cost $50 each - so a total of $150 for the program in it's entirety.

Q – Can an adult be Confirmed?

A – Of course, we welcome all ages to be Confirmed, the process of Sacramental Preparation is a little different. We ask that you contact the Parish Office for further details.

Q – My chosen Sponsor comes from another Country/State, do they need to be physically present?

A – No, they we will still need all paperwork from the Sponsor to be officially listed as a Sponsor and the person who “stands in” for the Sponsor needs to be Baptised in a mainstream Christian Faith and produce a Baptismal Certificate.

Infant Saviour, Burleigh Heads

Parish Priest: Fr Morgan Batt

Associate Pastor: Fr Jerry Joseph

Associate Pastor: Fr Akesh Xalxo

Parish office address:
3 Sunlight Drive, Burleigh Heads, QLD, Australia
PO Box 73, Burleigh Heads, QLD, Australia

Office hours: 8-4 pm

Enquire now

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